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Featured Articles

Mar 14, 20244 min read
Rise and Thrive: The Breakfast Breakdown and a Collection of Easy, Tasty Recipes!
Let’s talk about “the most important meal of the day.” Is it really? Do you need to eat in the morning? Read on to find out and get a...

Mar 7, 20244 min read
How's Your Sleep? The Relationship Between Hunger and Health.
Have you ever had a night of less than amazing sleep and just felt like you’re dragging all day and your hunger is insatiable? Whether...

Jan 24, 20243 min read
Let's Talk About Motivation
How can you get it? Where do you find it? What happens when it's gone? Why do some people seem continuously motivated? Let's "talk" about...

Jul 21, 20222 min read
What is Nutritional Therapy?
Oxford languages defines food as any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain...

Oct 25, 20186 min read
The Steps to Success….are baby ones.
Sometimes in life, you just have to leap. You have to take that big deep breath, JUMP, and see how things turn out. You may end up...

Oct 25, 20185 min read
A Fat Burning Kitchen Part 1: Pantry Essentials
My top list of ingredients to have on hand for making delicious meals that leave you satisfied, happy, and on the path to LEAN! You know...

Oct 25, 20184 min read
Women and IRON
A revolution in body image and self confidence for the ladies. Iron-Noun. Something hard, strong, rigid, unyielding. Who really would...

Oct 25, 20183 min read
It really is supposed to be FUN!
I am ALL about promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. After all, it is sort of my “job” now (even though I still pinch myself daily...

Oct 25, 20185 min read
A Bikini Body with 3 Essential Tools
“Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you HIGHER.” ~Oprah Winfrey Who’s going to be there for you if you’re not even...

Oct 25, 20186 min read
Macronutrients 101: What you need to know about protein, carbohydrate, and fat
What is a macronutrient? Macronutrients are the largest building blocks that make up the foods we eat. Everything you put in your...

Oct 25, 20188 min read
Better Sleep with Ten Easy Steps
For many people who are successfully making healthy changes to their lifestyle, a good night’s sleep is still an elusive dream. We’ve...

Oct 25, 20183 min read
Magnesium- the WHAT, WHY, and WHERE?
I get most of the ideas for my posts from the questions I get asked on a regular basis and this is a REALLY popular one, so hopefully I...

Oct 25, 20187 min read
Vacation Survival Guide- 6 tips to enjoy your trip and not expand your waistline!
How to have fun, relax, and unwind without undoing all of your hard work! Vacation. Ahhh…one of the FINER things in life. I am a firm...
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